Monthly Archives: November 2015

Understanding Executive Function

Executive function can be thought of as the project manager or CEO of your brain. It’s in charge of making sure that chosen tasks are completed effectively: understanding what’s expected, planning the steps necessary and meeting the final deadline. Specific executive function skills include Emotional Control, Flexibility, Organization, Self-Monitoring, Task Initiation and Working Memory.

Kids differ in how they use executive skills. Difficulties are likely influenced by genes and heredity, as well as brain differences within the prefrontal cortex. Research has shown that kids with other disabilities and disorders such as ADHD, dyslexia, neurological conditions, mood disorders, autism and acquired brain injury are most often effected. Yet there are ways to help develop and strengthen these skills.

The National Institute of Health Public Access has an article:  Interventions Shown to Aid Executive Function in Children 4–12 Years Old

Posted in children, mental health